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The goal, and All You Need to Know About It

The goal, and All You Need to Know About It

A Goal is an idea or vision for a desired result in future. In simple words, a goal is something that one wants to accomplish in his life. Not necessarily career goals, it could be anything including life goals, educational goals, relationship goals, goals to learn a skill or to travel a certain place. No matter what kind of goal it is, personal, social or professional, one thing that is common in all, is the Process. {Goal gives dimension and purpose to life.}

Can success be achieved without goal?

Strangely, the answer is yes. One can lead a successful life without goals too. But then, how will their success be measured? Success without a goal is like moving with the flow without any target or direction. Setting goals give vision and motivation.

Let’s take an example of an athlete. He may be a successful person, but there is no measurement of his success in terms of what he wants to achieve, in how much time he wants to achieve and what is his final success criteria.In actual terms, he is directionless, going with the flow – eventually he may get success or not. So, we can say that ‘Goal gives Soul to our Life’.

After decoding the importance of goal setting in life, let’s have a look on what topics we are going to discuss in this article:

  • How to set a Goal?
  • Types of Goals
  • Dreams and Goals – Are these same?
  • Why people generally don’t set goals
  • Framework for goals
  • Why goals fail?

How to set Goal-Goal setting exercise
How to set Goal-Goal setting exercise

How to set a goal?

After understanding the concept of goal, you must be ready to set a goal. But before moving forward let’s take a simple 5Q Test.

  1. WHY – What is the mind-set behind the goal?
  2. WHERE – What is the aim? (Where do you want to see yourself?)
  3. HOW – What is the strategy to achieve the goal?
  4. With WHOM – Does it require a team?
  5. TIME LINE – What time period to be fixed for the set goal?

With this simple 5Q Test, one can get a better clarity to set a goal, isn’t it?

Types of Goals

Based on different perspectives, goals are categorised differently. Let’s talk in a broader sense,goals are of two types – Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals.

  1. Short Term Goals –

A short term goal is a goal that can be achieved in twelve months or less. A goal that we want to accomplish in near future, say today, this week, this month or this year is Short Term Goal. For Example – Follow intermittent fasting diet for a month, read one book in a week etc.

  • Long Term Goals –

A long term goal is a goal that can be accomplished in the future. Goal that is to be achieved in more than a year, five years, ten years, and so on, is called Long Term Goal. For Example –develop a career plan, buy your dream house, become a millionaire, live abroad, write a book, etc.

Dreams and Goals – Are thesesame?

A Dream is an idea that is in our mind without focus. When the same dream is given a shape or form through action, it becomes a goal. Dreams are imaginary that don’t come true without action. Dreams can inspire us, but to achieve them a goal is required.

For example –

Dream – I want to write a book.

Goal – Make a time bound target with 5Q test and start writing.

People don’t set goals – Why?

What is it really that keeps people from setting goals? Let’s have a look on some basic reasons.

  1. Lack of confidence
  2. Lack of knowledge
  3. Previous failures
  4. Fear of rejection or failure
  5. Lack of interest
  6. Comfortable in comfort zone
  7. Lack of patience
SMART-Goal setting exercise
SMART-Goal setting exercise

SMART – Formula for goal setting

To make a goal achievable, follow the parameters of SMART, a formula that if followed properlyand religiously, makes the goal a SMART goal. Let’s see how:


Be specific in terms of goal description. More specific the description is, bigger the chances of its success are.

For example – ‘I want to be a millionaire’ and ‘I want to make 50 lakhs a month for the next 10 years by launching a new app’. – Which one is more specific in terms of description? Of course, the second one, and certainly it looks achievable too, isn’t it?


How can the progress of a goal be measured, whether it’ll be achieved or not? Surely, one needs to set some milestones by considering specific tasks to accomplish on specific times. Checking the progress of those milestones makes it easier to measure the progress towards the desired goal.


Is the goal attainable? How much the cost, efforts, time weigh against the profits through that goal? Weighing that can help one get the answer,whether the goal is achievable or not?


Once work starts towards goal, undoubtedly, it stretches to a certain extent. One thing that is neededto be evaluated beforehand – is it worth? In simple words, don’t aim for something that is not going to happen. Keep the aims more relevant and realistic.


Once deadline is set, we automatically switch to take action, don’t we? Remember, time is money, so always start with the end in mind and fix a deadline for the goals.

Follow this SMART approach to achieve the goals SMARTLY.

Why Goal Fail ?
Why Goal Fail ?

Why Goals fail?

  1. When one misses out SMART goal setting.
  2. When one has fear of failure.
  3. When one lacks the knowledge of goal setting.
  • When timely analysis is missed.
  • When multiple goals are set but priorities are not decided.
  • When one lacks the motivation.


Goal setting gives our life meaning, purpose and direction. One feels motivated and makes the most of his life by utilising his skills, knowledge, time and resources and that gives a sense of satisfaction. Therefore, a goal is needed to lead a meaningful and purposeful life.

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