Stay at Home Only one option of freedom from the corona crisis
Our situation is such that there are standing on the shore of the sea and a tsunami is coming from the front. It is barely three weeks and there is no alternative. Either, stand up and wait for the tsunami or do what is possible.And the only way to save now is to stay at home until some other effective solution like vaccine or medicine comes in your hands to eradicate this disease.
There is no indication that corona outbreaks in India will be less. Like China, Italy, and Spain, 20 to 60 per cent of people can be infected here. Even if 20 per cent occur, around 3 million people in India will be infected. Out of this, 10 lakh people will be serious, who will need to be hospitalized. The arrangement is only 74 thousand intensive care units (ICUs) across the country. Think how much preparation we need. This is a big concern. India should have special preparation to provide appropriate treatment to these infected patients who are in critical condition.

Actually, Corona has shown the mirror of life in our hands by writing life-death figures. There is no preparation, nothing is understood! But, it would be better to write some answers than leaving the answer-book blank. That is why NITI Aayog has recently invited retired doctors and military officers for three months of voluntary services.
‘Wuhan city of China (from where the corona spread worldwide) is like every big or metro city of India. The same densely populated, the same industrial city, the movement and celebration of outsiders. In the days when Corona spread in China,
at that time people were meeting each other a lot due to the Chinese festival.
This was the reason that the virus spread very fast.
According to what I have been able to know through social media, news the lockdown of the Indian government has been the only way to stop this virus. China similarly locked the virus completely in Wuhan and one or two states by lockdown. However, due to negligence, European countries could not do this. The example of Italy is in front of us

Severe kind of caution will have to be kept for several months even after the virus is gone. The corona in China is believed to be completely over, but a 14-day home quarantine is still mandatory, with every person coming from outside.
Do not be confused that it only strikes the elderly.It takes children from the age of 15 to the elderly. Based on the corona-case study in China, this study has revealed that the virus attack on hypertension and blood pressure patients was six percent higher than normal. The concern is that the number of hypertension and blood pressure patients across the country are much higher
In the cities, the matter of evacuating people engaged in the treatment of corona infects is a big concern. A similar situation arose in China. It is a kind of psychological fear. To overcome this, the Chinese government appointed counsellors. It was very beneficial. The same should be done in our country. Because, when the coronas infected person comes back after recovery, accepting them again, instinctively, by society will be a big challenge. ‘
Watch You tuve video -Stay At Home on our Baat apne desh ki Channel
You will be surprised to know that the Corona is not a very potent virus. So far, only 2.6 per cent of deaths have been reported due to its infection. However, the means needed to stop it is very expensive. Presently, India is not fully prepared for that.
The real battle will begin after recovering from Corona. Instead of going out to work together in China, a single person from the family was allowed to go out early. The people came out, sensing the condition of the city in 15 days. So, if anything happens, the whole family will not be affected by this. Also, instead of allowing simultaneous work in industries, the work was divided into three shifts. With the intention that fewer people come into contact with each other
The fight is with the virus, so doctors and paramedical staff are contributing in their own way.
‘Black marketing of masks, sanitizers and other medical devices is being reported all over the country. Medical service is also not arriving on time. Orders have been given to close the factories, but the move has also stopped production of essential goods. At this time, along with stopping black marketing, there is a need to make masks, sanitizers and medical equipment on a large scale.
Everyone’s shared message is that a few days of abstinence is better than a lifetime crisis.
Seeing the seriousness of the situation at the moment, we should stay at home, following government guideline and behave as a responsible citizen, this is the only way to solve the crisis of this epidemic to some extent till some more concrete steps are taken to fight this disease.
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